Looking for a driver who wants to jam
I know this might sound like a weird/demanding title but honestly I'm just going to be blunt and try my luck.
I'm 28 and play the piano and have been working towards starting a music journey this year, but unfortunately had a bit of a leg problem, so I can't really do a lot of travelling on foot and I can't drive. I can walk and carry things pretty normally until around 100 metres then my leg will just start to hurt too much.
So if you fancy driving yourself and I around Torbay (or more people/places?) busking and gigging please let me know. I'm hoping for a drummer or singer to start with but not too fussy.
The style I'm thinking is kind of a mix of soft rock, reggae, slighty "modernised" classical, acoustic; relaxing and fun depending on the atmosphere. And I'm always happy to improvise and experiment if you've got ideas too, I like most genres.
I've got a growing list of about 20 cover songs I can send over as a starting point and I'm always creating stuff. Got a small collection of keyboards for various types of situations.
Have a look at some covers I recorded and ideas I've made on music apps to get an idea of my playing and please let me know if you're interested