Bass player needed metal hr, look n play the part not hard ?
So a good buddy on JMB sent me this...
1, dont ever let ANYONE use you for their hobby.
2, if people in the band are not putting in an equal amount of effort as you.... f*ck them freeloaders off or you will get nowhere fast, everyone has to push.
3, dont deviate from your original plan of what you want, if people and not onboard with that, off they go.
and thats it.
take control,
good luck,
Bass player needed original and covers, metal hr classic rock pro level of course.... Want to learn new tricks, have equal input, put equal effort in...
the content will be revealed after joining, it is hidden for privacy protection from bots what's ap me with proper none Troll picture, thanking you kindly....
Bass Guitar
VULCAN lpool rehearsal studios tue nights