Newly-Formed Functions Band Seeks Keys Player
Hi all,
In the band there's me on lead and backing vocals, two lassies, also lead and backing vocals, a drummer, a guitarist and a bass player. The reason for three vocalists is that we all have different voices to suit different songs, obviously we'll play some female and some male ones.
What I'm looking for is a keys player to complete the lineup. Enthusiasm and commitment are more important than experience.
I was the frontman in a rock and roll covers band before, and left because I was going to move away, but now I'm not anymore. It gave me decent experience to know what gets folk up and dancing.
What I'm looking for are members who are able to rehearse together one weekenight or one weekend day per week. We all stay in Cumbernauld, so will be rehearsing at Paul's Halls here.
I'll be in charge of getting us gigs and accepting payment.
If this sounds up your street, send me a message here first, then we'll chat on text or WhatsApp.
Cumbernauld, Scotland