Heavy-ish covers band 'Ballast' looking drummer and singer.



Two of us, a bassist and a guitarist, have been working on forming a covers band provisionally called 'Ballast' playing unexpected covers in a dirtier/grungier style. We are both experienced and mature (mid 40s), who both also play in original bands but are interested in doing covers while making them more fun to play. Basically we're looking to straddle the knife's edge (ouch) between 'party' and 'heavy'.

For an idea, a few songs we've already had a go at that sound decent so far are:

Blue Savannah by Erasure

2 Hearts by Kylie

A desert rock version of White Wedding

We're adding a couple of songs in that we like, here and there. We're talking Fu Manchu, QOTSA, Red Fang. But overall think these bands playing the above songs, and that's what we're aiming for.

We're looking at 'serious fun' when it comes to commitment. We're looking to gig whenever ready, bring in a few pennies etc, but the main aim is to make/keep it enjoyable. Rehersals in the Bury St Eds area every couple of weeks tops, gigs 1-3 times a month possibly, but that's tbc/negotiable when we have a full band.

So, we're particuarly looking for a solid rock drummer, and a singer, preferably with a bit of a range, as the ever growing music list is pretty diverse! If you're a guitarist/keyboard player or anything else you think might fit in, also feel free to get in touch!

Thanks for looking.


Bury St Edmunds